Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Thoughts and worries of a new manager

How did I not predict that the most powerful indicator of which staff would be hard to manage would be having his or her 'personal' book cart?

Is it okay for your staff to hug you if they asked permission first and you said yes? Now are they going to be hurt that you never ask permission to hug them? (I mean, not that you hug them without asking permission, but that you neither hug them nor ask to.)

Is it worse if you accidentally startle your staff member when she thinks she is alone in the building and she goes "Wow, you scared the shit out of me!" or is it worse if your staff member accidentally startles you and you say the same thing? Hypothetically, what if both those things happen in your first six weeks?

What is my power level as far as tamping down on rampant Christmasness? How many years do I have to stay here before I can address it without being 'the mean new manager who hates it when we have fun'?

Should I cover up the political bumper stickers on my very-easy-to-identify car? Is it some kind of discrimination if I don't?

Library administration has reminded us at management meetings multiple times that our Employee Assistance Programs is for managers too, not just staff. Is there something I don't know about that I should be more worried about?

Is it a faux pas not to be a 'friend' of the library, in the Facebook sense and/or nonprofit Friends of the Library sense?


  1. Sounds like you could take your worries to the EAP! It's for managers too!!

  2. you should probably "friend" your library on any social media, just so you don't get nasty surprises

    1. I regularly check Yelp, Google Reviews, etc. but I am really reluctant to link my personal Facebook account with work. I should probably find out how other people handle it...

    2. our social media outreach libn made some fake accounts, i think

    3. I'm going to ask administration if we can make an account for the branch itself. I hope they will agree!

  3. Your staff will figure out your political opinions pretty soon anyway, if you're anything like the managers I've seen
