Saturday, October 1, 2016

Today's conspiracy theories

Patron 1, when I tell her that a copy of Vatican Assassinsa book with asserts that the Jesuits killed John F. Kennedy, costs $125 on Amazon and the publisher is no longer in business: "Well, I guess that's not really a surprise, that they're no longer around. You hear about people who reveal these things that they don't want to get out, there is poison in their food and so on."

Patron 2 (totally unrelated 'question'): "Is there anything about medical capitalism, making people sick for money?...You're not allowed to talk about the elements in food. We have a periodical table of elements, but it's illegal to talk about it. The nutritionists who make the supplement catalogs, they can't publish anything about the geological elements that you need."


  1. These patrons are what the internet was invented for, I guess "I don't see anything in our catalog, but why don't you google "medical capitalism" or "jesuits killed JFK" and settle down for a spell?"

    1. I know, right? If only they would learn to USE computers...

  2. I heard the Jesuits won't let you publish anything about the geological elements they used to kill JFK
