Thursday, May 17, 2018

The revelation of Fedex

One of the parts of my job I like a lot is doing one-on-one computer tutoring, but it can be a challenge. Today I had an elderly gentleman who needed to check his email, but who didn't understand what email was.

Me: Email is a lot like regular paper mail, except instead of having a regular address, you have an address that you can use to check your mail from any computer. This part of your email address before the "at" sign is like your street address.
Patron: [looks at me uncertainly]
Me: The part after the "at" sign is the name of the company that sends and receives your messages. So your company is Yahoo.
Patron: Ain't it all Yahoo?
Me: No, there are different companies that can do your email. know how, besides the U.S. Postal Service, there are other companies that can send packages and letters, like Fedex and UPS?
Patron: Well, that's a revelation to me!
Me: Okay, never mind. Imagine you wanted to send a letter to Mexico. You'd give your letter to the American post office--
Patron: But I don't know anyone in Mexico! I don't want to send a letter there!
Me: [sighs]

An hour later, we had submitted a finished application for section 8 housing, so things worked out. But it was a tough one for sure.

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