I have somewhat poor directional hearing, so it's often hard for me to tell which patron's headphones the loud music playing at the computers is coming from. Fortunately, making an interrogatory ramble around the perimeter of the computer area solves the problem 50% of the time just by reminding people that someone is paying attention.
I didn't work this time but later Ben from Security did the same thing and was able to actually tell who the culprit was. He politely tapped the man on the shoulder and asked him to turn down his music, and the man politely agreed.
Other noteworthy things from the library this week:
A woman asked to use the typewriter. It was a big relief to send her to the first floor desk--I'm sometimes scheduled there but I have no clue how to use the typewriter, so I feel like I dodged a bullet.
I help a guy find a model residential lease and he asks me to tell him what they want in the blank of "For a term to commence ________, and to end any time with a 30 day notice..." I say I can't give legal advice, blah blah blah, but my (ahem) illegal advice is they just want the date the contract is signed. Later in the day I read the slides from a presentation called "Public Libraries and Access to Justice: What Public Librarians Can Do." Still nervous, though.
A woman who I placed some books on hold returns to the desk: "This is a weird question, but can I take a picture of the font on your water bottle? I'm getting a tattoo and I haven't found a font that I like yet, but I like that one." This is the only question I've ever had that begins with "This is a weird question" and is actually kind of weird by public library standards.
Wow, a true self-identified weird question. Those are scarcer than hens' dentures!