Thursday, December 1, 2016

Never boring

I came in to Downtown Library to find out that the police busted a meth lab next door over the weekend, and to have a patron ask me: "Is there a way I can find the horoscope for a Scorpio on April 28th, 1971?"

Meanwhile, at Small Town Library the first email of the day I saw was "Does anyone have one of those singing fish that you hope not to get for Christmas? If so, can I borrow it? I'd like to use it at the Santa visit next week."

And, on the Continual Battle Against Christmas in the Library front, I wrested control of a major display at Downtown Library and put up "The Library Speaks Your Language," featuring information about the library and books in Chinese, Arabic, French, and Spanish. This would always be a display I would be happy with, but the thought that it would almost certainly be Christmas-themed otherwise this month warms my Grinchy heart.


  1. Your battle for cultural inclusion and secularism at the library is heartwarming and inspiring. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you very much. It helps a lot to know that people besides me care.

  2. hey good move on the display!

  3. Didja find the horoscope? I fear it would involve MICROFILM.

  4. There was a meth lab next to your library?? They're supposed to be in trailer houses out in the woods.
