Thursday, August 31, 2017

Where my house moved

Friday afternoon on the 2nd floor of Downtown Library:

Years ago, I used a service where you could have them call a friend and sing them happy birthday. But I just tried to call them and it didn't work. Do you think you could find another phone number for them? Or another company that does the same thing? I think they are based in California, if that helps.

Can you renew this book for me? I keep trying to read it on the bus, but people always talk to me. We know each other well, this patron and I, so I say, "maybe you need to look meaner."

Excuse me, can you help us with the scanner? Common scenario where the parent thinks they need help but the kid disagrees.

Hello. Is this your local history research department? I have a really odd question for you [for once someone said this and their question was actually kind of odd!]. When the highway was built through town, they demolished most of the houses, but they put my grandmother's house up on blocks and moved it across town. Can you help me see if I can figure out where they moved it to?

I need some articles that are pro or con. I am writing a paper about smartphones. Can you help me?

Mormons come in. Sure, you are welcome to use our computers, 'Elder' John, just please don't leave literature that I will just have to throw in the recycling when you leave!

Do you have meeting rooms there? What do you need to do to reserve one?

Excuse me, can you tell me how to find a copy of the book When Panic Attacks?

Is the library showing a movie tomorrow afternoon?

I understand that it's empty, but I still need you to throw your box of Dots candy away.

I lost my phone--someone stole it, actually--so I want to make a new email address since it was all on auto-fill and everything. That sucks, sir, I'm sorry!

One old man is teaching another old man to use ebay. The teacher says, "If I'm too loud, please tell me!" Sorry, but you are a little bit too loud.

Oh no! Why is the text so giant? Is this a special computer for people who are visually impaired?

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