Sunday, December 10, 2017


Hello again, readers. Sorry for all the meta stuff on here lately. I know it's not as entertaining as funny library stories (which, never fear, will eternally remain the central core of this blog).

Anyway, I was wondering if I should open up the blog to submissions. I hadn't really thought about this before, mainly because Gina Sheridan had such a great thing going at iworkatapubliclibrary, but then two things happened: She stopped publishing in January of this year, and the reader poll indicated that I had more readers than I realized (sorry, I thought you guys were bots!) and that a substantial fraction of readers work in libraries of other types, which as far as I know doesn't have anything too similar to Sheridan's blog. There's always Librarians who say MOFO, of course, but its format isn't as great.

It would be pretty easy to add guest posts/submissions to this blog, but I don't know if it's something people would like to see or not. If you have an opinion one way or another, or just a thought of things I should take into consideration, please let me know!


  1. I say no, some people just aren't good at telling stories and don't want to keep seeing that they should contribute

  2. Everyone in our system has been told we can't post anything ever about anyhting ever at our library even on our own accounts, for legal reasons

  3. I don't want to see the blog taken over by some weirdo like Librarians who say Mofo
