Thursday, January 25, 2018


A new patron laughs so loudly that it echoes and then says, "Sorry! This is a library."

A high school kid with no library card and absolutely no ID on him wants to get on the computer, and I have to tell him no (he was in yesterday, too, and they let him on without it but told him it'd just be that one time). I suggest a bunch of options--expired ID? Friend with a library card? Can you call someone and get them to read you their card number over the phone?--but nothing works. I am already feeling guilty because he accepted the "no" so politely and graciously, and then I see him playing with a stranger's two-year-old and keeping her entertained while his mom does something important on a computer. Dang.

Someone insists on showing me all the places on her arm she got injections when she was recently in the hospital.

Do you fax here? For free!? Dang!

Do you have tax forms yet?

Does the library offer driver's ed classes?

Over the course of the day, I tell like 5 different patrons about our upcoming English classes in very broken Spanish.

I try to shelve some DVDs but I don't even get one shelf of my cart emptied in an hour, I get interrupted so often by patron questions. We've having lots of computer problems today.


  1. 'do you have tax forms yet' how many years of saying "we don't get tax forms anymore' will it take?

    1. Sometimes when I say we don't, they say "What about the Post Office?" and that's apparently been decades, so I'm not holding my breath.

  2. My worst reference desk thing is medical show and tell
