Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Our teen librarian had the idea of hosting a mixer for all prominent people in our neighborhood, where they can eat snacks and talk to each other about the work their organizations do. The idea is it would put the library top of mind, and introduce everyone to our underutilized meeting space. We brainstormed a guest list and here are our top 3 VIPS:

1. A guy who opened a bank down the street and was interviewed on our local NPR station about wanting to develop small businesses in our neighborhood
2. The manager of the section 8 housing complex across the street
3. The retired principal who comes to the library every day to read the newspaper and seems to know everyone in the community

Thought leaders, one and all.


  1. I wonder if your three could suggest others.....

  2. We had an "entrepreneurs" series and some of them were pretty out there

    1. Ooh, I would have loved to get the inside scoop on that kind of program!
