Thursday, August 30, 2018

Upgrade downgrade

We can't do what anyone wants today because our computer system is being upgraded, meaning anything that requires checking someone's library card isn't really possible. People can still take things home (we scan their library card barcode and the barcodes of their items into an offline circ system) and they can still use the computer, but that's about it. Here's what I did in between breaking the news gently.

Eavesdrop on three girls reading Moana comics. One says to another "Are you wearing makeup?" Third girl answers, "No, she was born like that," and the original subject of the question indignantly jumps in "No I wasn't!"

I go through the lost and found and take out all the flash drives that we've had more than 30 days, clear them, and add them to our stash of loaners. This is a Priority One activity.

What do you need to sign up for a library card?

Can you help me find some books about 9/11? My son didn't know what it was.

I go into battle against the housing authority website for a new patron.

Interesting reference question! Somehow a patron has gotten the job of doing something with the collection of a private school's library, and they gave her a huge spreadsheet with item title, item author, format (paperback, hardcover, etc.) and a mysterious column labelled "FLR" full of alphanumeric strings that look like airplane ticket confirmation 'numbers,' like "1171RA1." She wants to know what an FLR is and if it's a unique identifier like an ISBN. My parapro coworker says cautiously "Why don't we ask the librarian about this one?" The number format is totally unfamiliar to me and traditional Google searches don't turn up anything, but trying some example searches allows me to find out--they're the number the book vendor uses as a unique identifier--1171RA1 shows up as a "Follett number" on Follett's Book Fair webpage. I suggest she go back to her employer and see if they can re-export a list from their ILS that includes ISBN if that's what she needs.

Can you show me how to print? times 3.

GED teacher wants to know: Can you show me that database with practice tests again?

Where would your books about astrology be?

Kids have made a huge mess in the children's area. Probably my fault for planning "Make a Parachute" as today's STEM activity.


  1. I think libraries should close once the internet goes down. So much anger, so much sadness.

  2. our children's librarian says if you plan a kid activity and it doesn't make a big mess, it's a fail
