Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Closure questions part 2

Things patrons want to know right now:
  • I have a ton of zucchini from my garden and I thought the library staff might like them. Can I put them in the book drop for you?
  • How late are you open today?...What do you MEAN I can't come into the building?
  • But I've been holding on to these old magazines for you for MONTHS--are you SURE I can't just donate them? Don't worry, my house is very clean, I'm sure they are safe. They are great magazines, in perfect condition.
  • Is there still storytime this Friday?
  • Did you know that people were parking in the library parking lot while y'all were closed? I thought you should know that people were violating the law.
  • I came by the library back in April to return my books, but the book return thingy was closed, so I just put my books on the top. Did you get them?
  • Is the library going to never open again?


  1. omg are these real questions?

    1. The names of vegetables have been changed to protect patron privacy.

      Otherwise, yes.
