Thursday, January 5, 2023

I love patrons who are funny to themselves

Earlier this week I was called out to the reference desk because there was a patron requesting a very specific book and he was getting frustrated that the library assistant on desk couldn't find it. I eventually helped him ID it once I understood that it was a niche geneology title. Let's say for the sake of argument it was "The Schmidts of Oklahoma." We did not own it, of course, so I worked with him to place an interlibrary loan request for it.

Me: "And do you have your library card with you, sir?"

Patron: "No, I'm afraid I don't."

Me: "No problem. We can look it up by your name."

Patron: "Paul Schmidt."

Me: "Well, I guess I should have guessed that, huh? Although I suppose the book could be about your mother's family."

Patron: "She recently told me they were all known criminals back in England. [pause] Not the Schmidts, though, the Schmidts have a pure record [laugh]."


  1. after 20 years of reference, I never ask people aNYTHING if they're looking at genealogy info

  2. SO much better than the ones who try to make us laugh by asking if we've read all the books
