Wednesday, April 19, 2017

More on the best job ever

In the last 24 hours, I was paid to...

Write a review of an Arabic music CD

Build a motion detector from a Snap Circuits kit

Make a poster of "Library facts you might not know":
1. A library card is FREE
2. You do not need a card to visit the library or use the wifi
3. If you had a card as a kid, any fines on it were removed when you turned 18

Help someone figure out why the online game website she likes wasn't working very well

Recommend a new author for someone who likes J.D. Robb and Clive Cussler

Sign a form certifying that one of our disabled patrons can't read regular print and should thus be able to receive services from the Braille and Talking Book Library

Look for a book about "how satellites work" for an adorable little girl

Read about how other libraries handle it when a famous author dies and someone else continues their book series

Tell someone that audiobooks exist!


  1. some of those are my fave things about librarianship!!
    reader's advisory ftw!

  2. How did you write a review of an Arabic music CD?

    1. I wrote about the sounds it made! Also technically it was a streaming album from hoopla.

  3. are you doing children's reference?

    1. I am doing reference for anyone who comes to my desk!

  4. Have to hold these days close to balance the days where patrons are rude and kids are not adorable

  5. who doesn't know that audiobooks exist
