Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Other duties as assigned, part 2

I've mentioned before that something I love about my job is how varied the work is. I was a little worried that when I became a manager I would lose that, but it turns out that the duties I've lost are more than made up for by the new things I have gained. Here are some ways I spent work time this week:

  • Helping little kids play "Pin the Hat on the Cat" during a Dr. Seuss birthday celebration (3/4 of them cheated, kids are weird)
  • Attending training on how to do storytime (Less so I can do it and more because I was worried that if I wasn't in the room certain staff members I had assigned to attend would not take it seriously)
  • Helping a patron who is trying to make a DACA case and wants to see if we can provide proof that he has a library card
  • Counting the total number of each kind of chair we have in out building, as step 1 in a plan to convince Administration to buy us more
  • Creating a little training quiz about library policies that my staff can use to meet a system requirement for "continuing learning"
  • Writing a thank you note to a local business that donated a prize for us to give out during a recent program (made me feel important)
  • Posting to social media about a library program we have coming up. No matter how carefully I try to make sure I include the name of the library and the address and the date and the time and the phone number and the intended age range and that no registration is required and that the program is free, it never fails that I miss one of those pieces of information and immediately someone posts a question asking about the missing piece and I feel like an idiot.
  • Counting out 837 Goldfish crackers to put in a guessing jar for the Dr. Seuss program. Embarrassed that I never before considered and appreciated the work done by guessing jar creators.
  • Helping a patron who heard from everybody at church that it was essential she have a LinkedIn profile for her job search, but who had no clue what LinkedIn was


  1. Better to leave something out of a social media post than to leave it off of a flyer that we printed 100 copies of (not that we ever did that, oh no) :>(

  2. Kids always, always cheat at "pin the tail" --mostly by leaning their head back so they can see under the scarf or whatever, but little kids will just basically push it out of the way

  3. That's a good variety!
