Thursday, May 30, 2019

And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?"

A patron wandered up to the desk and announced "I need to save a document on my drive." Seeing as she was holding a flash drive in her hand, I walked her back to her computer and guided her through plugging the drive in and locating the "save" function on Microsoft Word. When we finally got to the correct folder to save it in she said that she wanted to change the document's name from the default. I showed her how to do that. She typed "[Patron] resume" and then: "What year is it?...Oh, right, 2019...What month is it?" I just said "It's May, ma'am. Good luck with your job search!"


  1. I can imagine what the resume must have looked like. :>(

  2. she'll need a lot of luck
