Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Kid(Librarian)s today

One of our library locations, which I'm going to call Airport Branch due it being in a flight path which drives me crazy every time I work a shift there, is getting a 'digitizing lab.' It has machines for converting VHS tapes to DVDs, for making MP3s from cassette tapes, etc. It's supposed to go along with our local history and genealogy collection. It's a cool idea.

Since I'm the technology librarian for our system, I'm helping the newly-hired Adult Services librarian at the branch get the lab set up. One of the challenges we've been having with getting the lab ready is finding materials that staff can practice with--since I'm 35, I don't have a collection of home movies or much in the way of film negatives for us to play with. So I've been looking around at used bookstores, antique shops, etc. and grabbing any good examples I come across.

Recently I went to an antique store and found some SLIDES. I was so excited! I sent them over to my colleague at Airport Branch. It's worth mentioning at this point that this librarian JUST got her MLS and this is her third library job and first professional position. She's appallingly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I don't know how old she is but basically all I do is crush her dreams. She wrote back to me:

"Thank you for the tiny pieces of film!"

This is as bad as when I found the old overhead projector transparencies

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Language barriers, part 2,000

I helped a very nice lady sign up for a library card today in Spanish. The more practice I get, the sillier the gaps in my vocabulary seem.

Me (in near-fluent Spanish): "Your card will work at all four library locations. If there is something you're interested in that we don't have here but that one of the other locations does, we can have it sent over here for you. Here's your card, there are two copies, one for your keychain and one for your, uh, um...your...[gestures helplessly]."

I only just realized I don't know the word for "wallet." Google tells me it's "billetera." Huh.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Librarian low points (part 2)

  • Seeing one of your problem patrons push his way in just as the library is closing (contributed by an anonymous commenter)
  • Keeping an ugly, outdated book in your collection area because it's the only one you have.
  • Using painstaking, by-hand labor to do something that should be done by printing technology that your library system is too cheap to pay for (coloring in a black-and-white printout, taping together multiple sheets of paper to make a poster, etc.)
  • The first time someone says "You're a librarian? It must be so nice to get paid just to read books!" and you don't even bother to explain, you just say "Uh huh."
  •  Labeling an office supply with your own name. You're one of Them now.