Thursday, July 21, 2016


I found out recently that a coworker at Small Town Library has a very similar bad dream to one I often have: It's closing time at the library and more and more people just keep coming in, and you can't go home until you get them all to leave.

Readers who work in libraries or retail establishments, do any of you have the same dream, or is it just me and Becca?


  1. yes, and did you forget the part about how the computers are shutting off even though you need them, and you can't hit the right keys to bring them back up?

    1. Ooh, my version doesn't have that feature. At least, it didn't used to.

  2. I always thought this nightmare (which I have) was spawned partly by watching Night of the Living Dead!

    1. I've never seen Night of the Living Dead, so I know it's not a necessary condition for the dream, but I imagine a Living-Dead-influenced one would be much scarier.

    2. Yes it's not clear that the zombie patrons just want to get on the internet or check out books!
