Monday, January 28, 2019


I am very far on one end of the superstition spectrum, which I think makes my personal life a bit easier, all things considered, but is actually kind of a problem at work since I often put my foot in my mouth by doing things like commenting on how easy and quiet the day has been, which seems to invariably make one of my coworkers go "Oh no! Why did you say that!? You jinxed it!"

However, my coworkers don't know how lucky they are that I was the one to find a mirror broken into pieces outside our front door this morning.


  1. I get so tired of people making those jinxing jokes, like if you say "It's pretty warm today" they have to act like you are personally calling for a cold snap

  2. Just think if it was a black cat that broke the mirror!

  3. a tech services girl in our library insists on reading everyone their horoscope every day, she knows everyone's birthdays
