Monday, October 21, 2019

Some frustrations

A patron wants the contact information for "Adjacent County's Chamber of Commerce" and will not accept the fact, no matter how I rephrase it, that the various cities in Adjacent County have their own chambers of commerce but that there is not a county-wide one. She just keeps saying, "And I do NOT want the black chamber. I already tried to call them and no one answered!" After about 5 minutes, I finally give up and pick the biggest city in the county and give her their phone number.

A nonverbal adult brings me a newspaper and a pile of miscellaneous flyers from our flyer rack. Then he shows me his Autozone discount card. Sorry, sir, do you want to check these out? Do you have a question about one of these flyers? Do you just...want to show me how you're in with Autozone? Sorry, I don't know what I can to do help you.

I am covering storytime this week. We use egg shakers for a few of the songs, and I make the mistake of asking everyone who is ready to sing with me to shake their shaker to show me they are ready. It takes literally minutes for the most excited toddler to stop shaking wildly. My "storytime assistant" rolls her eyes as if to say--"What an amateur! [Children's Librarian] never would have done that!"

 Two staff members get into a heated debate about whether or not to weed our ancient juvenile nonfiction books about each country. It's eventually settled by one of them pulling out a book on Sudan that predates South Sudan's existence as a separate country.


  1. That was a good answer for #1, sometimes you just have to go with them to get them to move on

  2. I'm a regular reference/info librarian and I have nightmares that I suddenly have to sub at story hour, I'll have to put egg shakers into my next one
